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Who can stop by?

The Open Wellness Space is available to all students, whether they are part-time or full-time, undergraduate or graduate.


When is the Open Wellness Space available?


Due to the current size of the Wellness Education department and the nature of the work that we do, our schedule changes every week.  At the beginning of each week, the hours and events for the week can be found on the main page of this site, as well as on the door of the space and on our social media (mainly Instagram) pages.  Whenever the door is propped open, feel free to stop on by!


Can I do homework in the space?


The OWS is for you, the student, to utilize in a way that supports your learning.  It is a safe space for you to get work done, or to simply relax and de-stress in.  


Is there a computer/printer?


There is currently one desktop computer and printer in the space for students to use.

Can I keep any crafts/projects I work on?

Of course!  Any crafts you have started, coloring pages you have doodled on, or small projects you would like to work on are yours to keep!  Larger projects that are worked on by multiple students, such as the jewel art, we would like to keep and hang up once they are completed so that everyone can still enjoy them.


Can I bring friends?


Of course!  This space is open to all students - the more, the merrier!


Do I have to be quiet?


This isn't a library!  In the Wellness Sanctuary, you are encouraged to have fun and have conversations with other people.  We do ask that you be respectful of others who may be looking for a quieter space, or for any meetings that may be going on in one of the conference rooms.


Will someone be able to help me...?


The goal of this space is to help others.  In addition to the two official staff members, there should always be at least one trained peer mentor who is ready to listen and help.  If you are looking for specific help on your own regarding one of the eight factors of wellness, you can look in our pre-made bins for information, tips, and resources!

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